Premium Class Family Room with Sea and Forest views N12

Premium Class Family Room with Sea and Forest views N12

Family room has 2 rooms. In 1 room is available 1 standard double bed (2m x 1.40m) with 2 nightstands and in second room 2 single beds with nightstands each, wardrobe, room is equipped with all the safety standards, room is sound proof, all the accessories in the rooms are hypoallergenic, both rooms has individual exit to balcony.
от $ 160 per night
Premium Class Family Room with Sea and Forest views N19

Premium Class Family Room with Sea and Forest views N19

Family room has 2 rooms. In 1 room is available 1 standard double bed (2m x 1.40m) with 2 nightstands and in second room 2 single beds with nightstands each, wardrobe, room is equipped with all the safety standards, room is sound proof, all the accessories in the rooms are hypoallergenic, both rooms has individual exit to balcony.
от $ 165 per night

Отель Квариати Хилс

Отель Квариати Хилс Один из лучших вариантов для летнего отдыха в одном из самых живописных мест в Аджарии.
Отель Квариати Хилс утопает в зелени в окружении целебных эвкалиптов, апельсиновых и мандариновых деревьев.
Номера отеля оформлены в современном стиле и оснащены всеми необходимыми пренадлежностями и техникой.

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